US President Donald Trump announced in January a pause on foreign aid for an initial 90 days, as part of a sweeping review of ...
Plastic pollution in Malaysia has reached alarming levels, affecting our environment and health. Astro AWANI’s Farhana Sheikh ...
Rodrigo Duterte, the former President of the Philippines, has been arrested and is now in the custody of the International ...
Chris Henshaw, a clinical psychologist, explores the importance of finding meaning during festive seasons and how to extend ...
U.S. President Donald Trump signed an order calling for the closure of the Education Department, leaving school policies ...
The National Women's Policy aims to address the rising cases of domestic violence against women. Ameena Siddiqi from Sisters ...
Turkiye mempunyai sejarah yang sangat kaya dan panjang, dari zaman Empayar Byzantine hingga Empayar Uthmaniyyah, dengan ...
Dapatkan berita terkini mengenai umno-youth-chief dari Astro Awani ...
According to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2024, parity is still 134 years away. Even when countries ...
Sekurang-kurangnya 10 orang terbunuh apabila sebuah masjid runtuh di Mandalay susulan gempa bumi kuat yang melanda Myanmar ...
Aliran trafik di beberapa lebuh raya utama dilaporkan perlahan hingga 4.15 petang susulan beberapa insiden kemalangan yang ...
Pelakon, Hariz Hamdan berdepan detik cemas apabila merasai gegaran gempa bumi yang berlaku di Bangkok, Thailand pada Jumaat.