Funding reductions could reverse HIV response progress, with the greatest effects in countries with high percentage of international funding.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is facing major changes, with five senior leaders stepping down.
Patients with hidradenitis suppurativa are at increased risk of developing several common inflammatory arthropathies in the years following diagnosis.
Chronic preoperative opioid use was linked to increased wound dehiscence, longer hospital stays, and higher admission costs following total ankle arthroplasty.
Psychologic prehabilitation may improve 4 postoperative outcomes: reduced length of stay, pain, anxiety, and depression.
A fake web page designed to look like the US CDC's vaccine safety site has been taken down on orders from health secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Some forms of exercise training and pharmacological-based interventions may improve fibromyalgia-related sleep disturbances, though evidence is limited.
Early initiation of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise reduced pain compared with standard care among postmenopausal women who received aromatase inhibitors.
In ACLR and uninjured contralateral knees, the patella articulates higher on the femoral trochlea due primarily to a longer patellar tendon compared with healthy knees.
Three years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, coverage for selected routine childhood vaccines remained below prepandemic levels.
Behavioral interventions may reduce migraine frequency and improve migraine-related disability in adult and pediatric patients.
Currently, a total of 321 cases have been reported in the outbreak of measles that began earlier this year in Gaines County, Texas, and has since spread to New Mexico and now Oklahoma. All four cases ...