Because it decays slowly — with a half-life of 5,730 years — a radiocarbon battery could theoretically last millennia. That’s ...
While digging deep will continue to be a major focus in Sudbury, the time may also be ripe to “take it higher,” as Eddy Grant put it in an early-’80s radio hit.
The United States is pinning its hopes on reclaiming expenses incurred on Ukraine during its war with Russia by tapping Ukraine’s vast mineral potential including the development of rare earth element ...
The Rarest Rare Metal When people think about rare & precious metals, they tend to think of the most common ones, like gold ...
Maryland-based ION Storage Systems is about to dramatically accelerate the commercialization of its unique solid-state ...
Purdue University scientists have discovered a key mechanism that regulates how plants develop chloroplasts, essential ...
Researchers in China have identified a series of engineering strategies to bring aqueous sulfur-based redox flow batteries ...
The amazing deals aren’t stopping – you can currently nab huge discounts across all things home, fashion, tech, travel and ...
As the world moves toward electric vehicles and cleaner energy, the demand for better batteries is growing fast. But with ...