There are a few common plants that are likely to attract pests into your garden - but an expert says there's no need to get ...
If you want the apple trees in your yard to thrive ... is commonly used as a trap crop as it will attract pests such as ...
Ensure that you have inline drip irrigation installed in beds to help counter dry conditions, and get back to watering fruit trees ...
Nilsson: Dogwood Ninebark Elderberry, Barberry Sumac is a good option. Lilac and Viburnum were some of their top ...
For example, a common pest called aphids completes its life cycle much faster and produces more generations per year in warmer weather. Leaf miner blotch, a pest of apple crops, has graduated from ...
Placing nets over trees during bloom can successfully set a target crop load in Michigan without the use of chemical thinners ...
To keep ladybugs in your yard be diligent when cleaning up this year. Don’t just throw the leaves into the compost. Make sure ...
Commercial North Coast apple orchards under conventional pest management are less likely to have problems with apple maggot, because pesticides used for codling moth and aphids will control ... Fruit ...