The useless beauty of male birds is evidence of something evolutionists long struggled to accept: female agency.
A man searches the patchwork of sagebrush and agricultural fields in south-central Washington for a bird that has struggled ...
When Oliver Hellowell was born and diagnosed with Down syndrome, doctors discovered he had three cardiac defects which ...
The best bet to save the imperiled species may be a system that pays farmers and ranchers to protect its grassland home.
BLM leaders never had the desire or will to do what it takes to preserve Sage-grouse populations. Sage-grouse plans make ...
The theory of evolution is dominated by the utilitarian logic of natural selection: adapt or die, survival of the fittest.
Two types of bird - the red-backed shrike and black grouse - could be re-introduced along with pine martens as part of the ...
State of the Birds Report highlights the urgent need for conservation as North American bird populations continue to fall.
The American Woodcock (Scolopax minor), a.k.a. Timberdoodle, is a migratory game bird in the shorebird family Scolopacidae.
Denmark’s reliance on biomass energy is driving deforestation, biodiversity loss, and increased carbon emissions in Estonia ...
Firefighters have been tackling wildfires across Wales over the last few days - including in Conwy where more than 20 firefighters, including a specialist wildfire unit, were still tackling a blaze at ...