Wanneer die Vaaldriehoek fees vier, doen hulle dit op groot skaal – en Rocking the Vaal 2025 is geen uitsondering nie!
Alles was is Vrydag (28/3) reeds slaggereed ’n opwindende naweek van rekordpogings en liefdadigheidsgedrewe feestelikhede.Die ...
Be among those who shape the future with knowledge. Uncover exclusive stories that captivate your mind and heart with our FREE 14-day subscription trial. Dive into a world of inspiration, learning, ...
Be among those who shape the future with knowledge. Uncover exclusive stories that captivate your mind and heart with our FREE 14-day subscription trial. Dive into a world of inspiration, learning, ...
AS JY aan die SPAR-race in Kaapstad wou deelneem, het jy uitgemis, want kaartjies is uitverkoop en die 16 000 inskrywingslimiet is bereik. Vir julle wat reeds ingeskryf is, onthou die race is Sondag ...
South Africans preparing for a braai during this Human Rights weekend may have noticed a price hike in charcoal at some of the country’s major supermarkets. A comparison of prices at Checkers ...
A traditional South African braai is more than just grilling meat over the perfect heat, it’s also about enjoying a refreshing cooldrink – or an alcoholic beverage (in moderation of course ...
Dié spesiale gebeurtenis vind om 16:00 op 6 Mei in die Kunstekaap se Operahuisportaal plaas en kaartjies kos R150. Feesgangers ontvang ’n geskenkboek en na afloop kan kaartjiehouers heerlik skouers ...
CALITZDORP. - Dis ’n opdraande stryd wat die bejaardes van landelike gebiede ervaar om betyds hul SASSA goue kaarte in te ruil vir die Postbank swart kaartjies. En met die deadline van 20 Maart ...
Prepare a braai and wait until the coals are gentle enough to cook over. Pat the snoek dry using kitchen paper, then place skin-side down on a sheet of tin foil. Season liberally with salt and pepper.
Scatter with the dill or oregano. Wrap both halves tightly in tinfoil. Cook over medium coals for 30 minutes, turning every 5 to 7 minutes. Note: the salmon should still be pink inside. Read more ...