A black powder organization is looking to preserve flintlock rifle hunting in Pa. through a new expanded deer season. Here's ...
A right-wing internet campaign, with a GoFundMe and cryptocurrency, sees the Game Commission's confiscation of Baby the white ...
The author crossed the pond to stalk the Cotswolds with renowned chef, restaurateur and deer stalker Mike Robinson.
Dad wasn’t even 40 yet when he said, “I’m glad I didn’t get a deer today.” I was 13, and I didn’t understand why he said that ...
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission proposed three regulations for the upcoming waterfowl hunting season Thursday at its ...
Dad wasn’t even 40 yet when he said, “I’m glad I didn’t get a deer today.” I was 13, and I didn’t understand why he said that ...
the terms “legal buck” and “doe” were exchanged for “antlered buck” and “antlerless deer.” The requirement that an antlerless deer must be harvested and checked before an antlered ...
The program is a Wisconsin law that requires deer hunters in specified areas first ... archery season and required hunters to pass on a trophy buck if the hunter had not had the option to shoot a doe ...
Fratella takes lymph nodes for testing because that’s the part of the deer most likely to contain evidence of chronic wasting ...
The current world-record archery bighorn measures 209 1/8 inches and was taken in Pennington County, South Dakota, in 2018.