The pieces so powerful that you’ll be out of your seat, air-conducting to the full force of an imaginary orchestra, or ...
Edmond Dédé's 1887 magnum opus "Morgiane"—billed as "the most important opera never heard"—will finally get its premiere ...
Classical music can feel daunting to dig into if you haven't had a lot of exposure to the genre or didn’t grow up playing an instrument. With so many terms, styles, composers and performers ...
Gabriela Ortiz, the Crossing, Víkingur Ólafsson and Karen Slack are among this year’s cohort of Grammy-winning classical artists ...
Famous Romantic composers include Tchaikovsky, Brahms, Mahler, and Verdi – to name but a few! The Romantic era is known for its intense energy and passion. The rigid forms of classical music gave way ...