The first wave of the long-running and devastating opioid epidemic began in the U.S ... still think they are using unadulterated cocaine or crack -- a misconception that can be deadly.
A nthony James is the first to admit that for most of his adult life, he lived under the illusion that he was invincible.
Barry Michael Cooper, the celebrated screenwriter and investigative journalist known for spotlighting the crack-cocaine epidemic and helping define Hip-Hop culture on screen, died Tuesday (January ...
After reading a recent Sun-Times investigation on opioid deaths among a generation of Black men, WBEZ editor Alden Loury ponders the role of racism and segregation in those deaths.
"They're speaking so loudly about the cannabis dispensaries that all of the harsher ailments of our community, such as the drug epidemic with crack cocaine, it gets hidden," she said. "It gets ...
It was like a "dream come true" when James Miller's family moved to the east side of Indianapolis in 1967. They found a home ...
To others, he had been Rayful Edmond III, a notorious drug kingpin whose name invoked the brutal crack cocaine epidemic that reshaped the District in the 1980s. He died within a year of his ...
Guest essayist Judge Frank Forchione laments that Stark County opioid deaths have "continued to spiral upward." ...
Dublin’s crack cocaine epidemic: ‘You get a rush. You come down. And then you have to go again’Opens in new window ] The service was granted an 18-month licence by Mr Burke under the Misuse ...
And in the 30-year period following that—so 1991 (the peak of the crack-cocaine epidemic), 30 years after that, up through 2019 (the last year before the pandemic)—the murder rate in Los ...