This being so, there is no account of the lovely Desmids, nor of the interesting species of Bulbochæte and Å’dogonium. Noting this as a fact, but one to be regretted so far as the Chlorophyceæ ...
An international research team has described a newly discovered algae species Streptofilum arcticum and its cell functions for the first time in a recent publication in the journal Environmental ...
Algae, a subaquatic plant renowned for its health and nutritional benefits across various societies, is gaining popularity for its organic wellness support. Today’s market offers a variety of ...
ABOVE: Photos of a lake Gaalswyk used his new Easy NanoVoid Technology on to clean algae. Photos courtesy of Mark Gaalswyk. FAIRMONT–A new prototype has been developed to nearly instantly clean up ...
It also grows a type of bacteria called Arthospira, also known as blue-green algae, as it shares similar properties with microalgae. When dried out it is known as spirulina and is used as a ...
(A) Schematic view of the chloroplast and non-photosynthetic plastid division machinery in red algae, stramenopiles, cryptophytes, and apicomplexans. Components other than FtsZ and DRPs are not shown.