I was a yoga teacher already, and I had extensive knowledge of yoga of poses within different styles and breat ...
"My other advice is to take small steps toward your ultimate leadership goals. This will give you exposure across different ...
I’m a big fan of walking and I do my best to hit 7,500 steps every day. Mindful walking is nothing new to me, but I had never heard of walking yoga until Sophia Drozd, a yoga instructor and creator of ...
Yoga stretches for lower back pain can help alleviate discomfort by building core muscle strength and stretching the smaller ...
New population estimates for 2024 released by the U.S. Census Bureau show the number of people living in the eight-county ...
Má fotbalista po čtyřicítce přemýšlet o tom, že pověsí kopačky na hřebík? Kdepak. Důkazem, že se dá u fotbalu vydržet daleko déle, je Ctirad Drozd. Rodák z Lanžhota i v třiašedesáti letech hraje aktiv ...