ECU Family Medicine residents of the Brody School of Medicine are partnering with Pitt County Schools to encourage healthy ...
During the event, children brought their stuffed animals, acting as caregivers responsible for their well-being.
A lot of teddy bears weren’t feeling very well Friday. ECU Health and Pitt County Schools teamed up for their ‘Teddy Bear ...
It's a lesson that students can take with them throughout their lives, as those at South Central High School learned how to ...
Over the study that lasted four weeks, participants exercised daily, which included 10 repetitions each of chair squats, ...
Pitt County high schoolers and East Carolina University physicians were cooking up healthy recipes this week in a program ...
As little as five minutes a day of eccentric exercise could offer significant health benefits to those living a sedentary ...
As little as five minutes a day of eccentric exercise could offer significant health benefits to those living a stagnant lifestyle, researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) found.
Last week I shared information that Kay Craven and Brittany Smith from ECU Family Medicine presented in a talk, “Bridging ...