Identify the symptoms and causes of tinnitus, a ringing in the ears. Find information on diagnosis, treatment options, and ...
There are several possible causes of ear congestion, including sinusitis, allergies, and earwax impaction. Over-the-counter (OTC), prescription, and natural treatments can help treat ear congestion.
However, fluid buildup and problems with fluid drainage seem to be a contributing factor. In most cases, Ménière's disease only affects one ear and can cause a feeling of fullness in the ...
And stop using them if you notice discomfort, burning, ear draining or discharge, or dizziness. What Not to Do to Clean Your Ears THE OLD ADAGE, “Don't stick anything smaller than your elbow in ...
Earwax is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal. It is a natural cleanser with antifungal and antibacterial properties that help protect the ears. However, too much earwax can cause problems.