The deadliest creature, spreading diseases like malaria and dengue. It causes millions of deaths every year. Its venom attacks the heart and nervous system, leading to paralysis or death in minutes.
The mosquito is the single deadliest, most dangerous animal in the world and also one of the smallest. Mosquitoes are estimated to cause between 750,000 and one million human deaths per year. They are ...
An Elephant challenges the photographer in the wilds of Africa ... They possess a temperate nature and only attack if they feel threatened or cornered. The mosquito is the single deadliest, most ...
Known locally as “Bhusi flies,” these tiny insects, though similar in appearance to flies, are more closely related to mosquitoes in their feeding habits. They primarily feed on the blood of livestock ...
While some land animals (giraffes) might be taller, and some marine life (blue whales) might be heavier, one animal stands alone as the biggest land animal on earth, and that is the African elephant.
In this post we’ll get to know elephants, the largest land animal to walk our planet, a little bit better and uncover the largest elephant ever recorded. Have you ever wondered how big an elephant can ...
For people with a mosquito bite allergy, also known as "skeeter syndrome," symptoms are more severe than the itchy red bump of a mosquito bite. They can include a rash, large areas of excessive ...
All in all, the perfect souvenir does not need to be expensive or be something that you find at a souvenir store in a mall or at the street markets. The perfect and unique souvenir can be something ...
The nonprofit group wanted the elephants to be transferred to a “suitable elephant sanctuary," according to the suit. The group cited habeas corpus, a provision of the U.S. Constitution that ...
Five elephants at a Colorado zoo may be "majestic" but, since they're not human, they do not have the legal right to pursue their release, Colorado's highest court said Tuesday. The ruling from ...
Except when those come in the form of insect bite marks or, even worse, a mosquito-borne disease. Having experienced the former on almost every holiday to date and the latter (alongside an ...
There’s nothing quite like making a little ‘X’ on a painfully sensitive mosquito bite to provide an inkling of relief. The very best way to relieve the pain of an insect bite, however ...