At the center of legal challenges against Trump's executive actions is whether he's telling federal agencies to violate a key legal standard established nearly 80 years ago.
Luxury tour operator SwisSkiSafari tracks powder at a micro level to whisk clients to Europe's prime slopes. We pursued the ...
Assad fled, some of the only houses with round-the-clock electricity here are those that share a power grid with the ...
Democratic Rep. Val Hoyle condemned Donald Trump's billionaire buddy with an explosive metaphor.
The two "ultra-low-energy-use building houses" boast several passive house standards, including a green roof and thick walls ...
Plus: Trump tariffs, beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting, Earned Income Tax Credit, student loan interest ...
Pioneer of disaster medicine tells an inspiring American story — and a powerful counter to fearful MAGA nonsense ...
Wouldn’t you be in a better mood if walls, and even the ceiling, had on them scenes or images of the things that bring you ...
South Carolina is one of about two dozen states that ban manufacturers from selling vehicles directly to consumers and instead require all new autos be purchased through a dealer. Scout would like to ...
Current local time in Eastern Standard Time (Eastern Standard Time time zone). Get information about the Eastern Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
Architect Felix Ziga has taken on many challenges during his career, designing everything from an age-in-place home with an overlook tower for three “mature” women to a combination dog park and beer ...
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) — A 63-year-old man is dead after falling from a cliff on Wednesday, Feb. 5 in the Organ Mountains east ...