Final Fantasy 14 players point out that an ongoing event has a strange mistranslation that may confuse others trying to ...
Square Enix releases the version 1.2.0 update for all six Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster titles on PC, each offering specific ...
I enjoyed both Final Fantasy 16 and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but if I had to choose one to model the future of the series off ...
Let me entertain a world where we play old FF14 all over again.
Final Fantasy 15 had its flaws, but later games have built on and learned from them in such vital aspects that I wouldn’t have it any other way.
The preliminary FF14 7.2 patch notes are here, and they include a welcome change to dungeons and new emotes in the Final ...
Lingering snags from Endwalker have left Dawntrail's early months feeling a bit strange, but the road ahead looks brighter.
10 Coolest Video Game Features (That Are Utterly Pointless) - Commenter Edition ...
Chrono Trigger' was designed as the ultimate RPG: a SNES mash-up of 'Final Fantasy,' 'Dragon Quest,' and Dragon Ball Z.' ...
Check out our ranked list of the best PS1 games of all time, titles that have remained beloved by many for decades.
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is getting a new Viking-themed expansion that features navel combat for the first time ever in ...
Chrono Trigger just hit its milestone 30th birthday, but despite being older than most gamers today, there's still never been ...