Eli Lilly has acquired Organovo’s lead asset, a clinical FXR agonist designed to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in a deal worth up to $50 million in biobucks. Organovo’s stock ...
Organovo Holdings, Inc. announced that it will be acquired by Eli Lilly and Company, which includes Organovo's FXR program and its lead asset, FXR314, aimed at treating inflammatory bowel disease ...
The farnesoid X receptor (FXR) is a bile acid nuclear receptor that plays a crucial role in regulating bile acid and sterol metabolism. Bile acids are natural ligands of FXR, which bind to the ...
Eli Lil­ly is buy­ing Organo­vo’s far­ne­soid X re­cep­tor (FXR) ag­o­nist pro­gram, which in­cludes a drug in Phase 2 de­vel­op­ment for ul­cer­a­tive col­i­tis and meta­bol ...
Credit: Elena Vafina via Getty Images. Eli Lilly (Lilly) has agreed to make a $10m upfront payment for full worldwide rights to San Diego-based Organovo Holdings’ farnesoid X receptor (FXR) agonist ...
“We are excited to deliver FXR314 and our FXR program to Lilly for Phase 2 and further development. Their world-class development excellence and dedication to delivering for patients will provide an ...