Raise the stakes! If you and your friends are competitive, raising the stakes for bets you place or games you play with each ...
A few fashion styles advance through the years while maintaining their essential versatility to let individuals simultaneously showcase their personal style while feeling at ease. Washed hoodies offer ...
Best Mahatma Gandhi Quotes: Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, is one of the most revered leaders in history. He was a lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who dedicated his ...
Imagine a friend of yours just woke up from a 15-year coma. They ask you to catch them up on politics, and once you get past the most obvious thing — “Wait, who is the president?” — you ...
This guy went around giving everyone pardons. And, you know, the funny thing (maybe the sad thing) is he didn't give himself a pardon -- and if you look at it, it all had to do with him.
"It is calm and relaxing 10/10" said another. What I failed to notice was that several users had marked those reviews as "Funny." I'm no stranger to joke reviews on Steam, but at a glance none of ...