Barry Allen came to be referred to as the "Twisted Tea Guy" in December 2020. A viral clip identified him as he stood up to a ...
While he often proclaims to be a defender of free speech, President Donald Trump’s actions betray his words. And to many of his defenders, the right to free speech is unimportant since the words and ...
From a simple term of endearment to a nationwide buzzword, Achalugo has transcended the screen, proving that sometimes all it ...
It’s already been 20 years since Dunder Mifflin opened for business at NBC. (It might not feel that way, if, like many TVLine ...
We all grew up with our adolescence and young adulthood firmly rooted in an analogue era. While our parents had a lot to ...
Some anime endings perfectly tie everything together, while others have a finale so divisive fans just can’t decide what to ...
The MCU has a loyal, passionate fan base that pore over every little detail. Here are things that only true MCU fans will understand.
Sound Off is an opinion forum for Mercury readers to offer brief comments on today’s news. Submissions must be 75 words or ...
Funny church signs for the win! G oing into a house of worship is no laughing matter … or is it? One look at these funny church signs and you may not be so sure. While we know o ...
Some risks are controllable, like personal habits, while others, like climate change and nuclear war, are beyond individual ...
Anita Chauhan works with startups in Toronto, and she can easily describe the kind of looks she used to get from her tech-bro ...
Writing exclusively for the Manchester Evening News, Andy Burnham reflects on a tumultuous year that put him at the forefront ...