Please Note: All times UK. Tables are subject to change. The BBC is not responsible for any changes that may be made. Manager: Dick Lukkien Formation: 4 - 2 - 3 - 1 Manager: Rogier Meijer ...
Pinned to her studio’s reference board are Elizabethan portraits; scraps of leavers lace in black, white and pink; as well as photographs of historical garments. Lace dates at least as far back ...
Exact twee jaar geleden greep FC Groningen nog naast zijn komst, maar deze donderdag is het er alsnog van gekomen. Zevenvoudig Zweeds international Hjalmar Ekdal mag zich in ieder geval een half ...
Groningen Airport Eelde mag van het kabinet vanaf volgend jaar ruimere openingstijden hanteren. De verwachting is dat het voor het vliegveld op termijn 150 extra vluchten per jaar kan betekenen ...
It was 2015, during the height of Phoebe Philo’s era of Céline, when I first saw her lace-trimmed, silky dresses and tank tops on the catwalk. They had a ’90s flair, but enhanced with Philo ...
Please Note: All times UK. Tables are subject to change. The BBC is not responsible for any changes that may be made. Manager: Dick Lukkien Formation: 4 - 4 - 2 Manager: Robin van Persie Formation ...
I had come to Cluny Lace, in Ilkeston, in the lace country around Nottingham, in order to see a steam train fashion a spiderweb. I wanted to watch greased-up engines of Victorian steel pour out ...
In deze 22ste aflevering van Noord Scoort: wat is het geheim achter de grasmat van FC Groningen? We lopen mee met groundsman Rowin Jansen en zijn team. Donar en Lycurgus speelden afgelopen weekend ...
As Donald Trump takes his oath of office to become the 47th President of the United States and begin his second tenure, politicians, the Trump clan, tech titans et al have arrived at the US ...
2 Academic Center for Evidence Based Sports Medicine (ACES), Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3 Amsterdam Collaboration for Health and Safety in Sports (ACHSS), VUmc / AMC IOC Research Centre for Prevention ...
Groningen is een van de 25 veiligheidsregio's in Nederland en overlapt met de gelijknamige provincie Groningen. De hulpdiensten in deze regio bestrijken gezamenlijk 197 plaatsen, waarvan de ...
Welcome to gorgeous Groningen — a province that lives and breathes history, yet never loses its hip edge. From its lively city of the same name to the far reaches of its rustic countryside, there’s so ...