The guitarist's comments come in the wake of his clever solution to the noise restrictions that affected Dead & Company’s Las ...
Despite saying his tone “can only come from the ignition inside of a tube”, the Dead & Company guitarist thinks this amp ...
Long before the current plethora of ‘rig-in-a-box’ pedals there was the Rockman. Anyone who played electric guitar in the ...
Talking with Rolling Stone last year, Robert Randolph recalled the unusual complaint he received when he was working on a new ...
Round Hill Music Co. is opening its doors at 398 Greenwich Ave., carrying guitars, records, clothing and other music-related ...
Brilliant Auctions have teamed up with John Ashton, the long-time sound engineer for the band between 2005 to 2009 before ...
A former Arctic Monkeys employee is planning to sell off dozens of pieces of memoribilia from his time working for the huge Sheffield band.
A collection of more than 60 pieces of Arctic Monkeys memorabilia and music equipment is set to be sold at auction later this month.
On an early March weekend, as numerous musicians took the stage at venues across the city for the Back Porch Music Festival, ...
From the couch, the guitarist stood and said hi. He was tall, with a handsome, boyish Irish face and long brown hair. He said his name was Tom too. Tom Leadon. Leadon pointed to the big red-cheeked ...