In a way, Bears fans' prayers were answered, too. The Hail Mary turned into Ben Johnson. Now, with Johnson as head coach and a revamped and revitalized coaching staff supporting Caleb Williams ...
Believers are encouraged to turn to Mary as their spiritual mother. As the Lord Jesus entrusted his heart to her, so we are ...
Super Bowl LIX is upon us, and this year’s big game features the perennial powerhouse Kansas City Chiefs against the mighty ...
One of the first prayers that you and I learned as children was the Hail Mary, a prayer that some non-Catholics criticize for being directed to Mary rather than to God. Part of the problem is that ...
2676-2677 Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed are thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the ...
and all children of the Polish Nation whether in their ... and Monica and is composed of thirteen couplets of beads. The essential prayers to be said are Our Father and Hail Mary repeated thirteen ...
In the recent Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae , the Holy Father John Paul II once more urged Christian families to pray in their ... in the Our Father and Hail Mary, we find a synthesis ...
Yes, we pilgrims walk under the shadow of the death of the unborn. But we sing of life’s beauty and believe all children ...
They dyed the hair of the dark-haired ones, taught them Polish (not all Jewish children knew it) and Catholic prayers such as ...
Hail, you Star of ... The Latin version of this prayer, Ave, Maris stella, can be traced to the late eighth/early ninth century. The title, Star of the Sea (or Ocean), is one of the oldest and most ...
The Jubilee Vatican decree lists the corporal and spiritual works and presents many ways to put them into practice.