A handwritten will by singer Aretha Franklin that was found under her sofa cushions after her death in 2019 was stated to be a valid Michigan will, as ruled by a jury. The decision became a ...
“Handwritten wills are valid in most states but under specific requirements,” according to the Werner Law Firm, which has ...
In In re Estate of Martinez, a decedent left a holographic will, and a potential recipient of property under that will offered it for probate and sought a declaration regarding a devise of property.
After Grace’s stroke she had difficulty communicating verbally and her handwriting was shaky. Her daughter, Charity, handled ...
Nekesa Mumbi Moody, global entertainment and lifestyles editor, New York, and Ed White, reporter, Detroit, collaborated on a scoop that three wills purported to be written by the late “Queen of Soul” ...
Some states allow handwritten wills, while others require typewritten documents with notarization and witnesses. Storing your will in a secure place can prevent confusion and ensure your wishes ...
Franklin had two handwritten (holographic) wills found in her Detroit, Michigan, home after her death in 2018. One dated 2010 was found in a locked cabinet. The second one, dated 2014, was found ...
Note that Florida does not recognize handwritten wills that are not signed in the presence of two witnesses. If in Florida, Franklin would have been intestate (not having a will), and the ...