Computer models helped decode whale communication. But some scientists say there are barriers that cannot be overcome.
The humpback that ... she put on for whale watchers last year. The whale had distinctive scarring on its dorsal fin that indicated it may have had previous run-ins with humans before its death.
By Bobby Bascomb Nearly all of Antarctica’s iconic wildlife, from penguins to seals and whales, depend on krill, tiny ...
Many members of the international community consider whale-hunting a barbaric practice that should have been banned decades ago. But some countries have ...
A lot of people don’t know this, but Ixtapa is a coastal area stocked with high-rise hotels, resorts, restaurants, and ...
Virginia and North Carolina each recorded about 30 humpback deaths on and off shore since January 2016. Minke whale deaths have also been high in recent years for reasons that could include human ...
Survivorship curves show female right whales can live to very old ages, but humans are causing North Atlantic right whales to die well short of their potential. Plotted for comparison is ... fin, sei, ...
This endangered species is distinguished by its narrower stripes, larger size, and rounder ears compared to other ... in a dramatic fashion. While humpback whales are gentle giants that pose no ...
Humpback whales can be identified by markings on the underside of their tails, similar to human fingerprints ... carriers and a major increase in costs compared to last year.
Arctic foxes have dense fur, short ears, and short legs that give them a stockier appearance compared to red ... are the perfect habitat for whales, the largest mammals on Earth. Several whale species ...
Trained responders at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary ... to offer , from celebrity news to compelling human interest stories. Once again, trained responders ...