As a religion scholar, however, I believe one of the greatest loves in the Bible is a story of friendship: the intense ...
Have you ever had one of those moments where you felt you just weren’t good enough for God? Maybe you’re feeling as though salvation is for everyone else but you. According to Romans 8:31-34, “What ...
What kind of key open’s your door? That might be exactly what a thief is wondering. He slips over to your door step. It’s the middle of the night. At your front door he says to ...
When a young couple marries, they have all sorts of dreams of how wonderful life will be, maybe even how easy it will be, to ...
Devlyn Brooks is an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and serves Faith Lutheran Church in ...
When Jesus enters the house, Mary sees that God is present, that they are in the presence of love. So Mary drops everything ...
Even after Elizabeth recognizes the significance of Mary’s pregnancy, saying, “Most blessed are you among women and blessed ...
Primate Elijah Ayodele, the respected General Overseer and Senior Pastor of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, remains unchanging in his mission to spread the Gospel of love through Christ, touching ...
Have you ever been through a hard time in your life? A time where you hurt inside and your mind and body felt numb? A feeling that makes you become broken because of what has happened? Well, even ...