Nike Inc. y Skims, la marca de ropa interior de Kim Kardashian, se han unido para crear una nueva marca de fitness dirigida a ...
The boutique fitness space makes up a small piece of the overall fitness sector. But a recent grouping of deals involved in the space hints at potential PE interest. To learn more about PE’s ...
Here's what you need to do, according to a fitness trainer. (Representative picture: Freepik) Neha, who keeps sharing tips and tricks to for weight loss and fat loss on her Instagram page ...
At Rutgers, he says, the women’s hoops team uses the Sensoria Fitness line of sports bras (which contain a built-in, washable sensor that connects to the company’s own or other apps ...
Brandurile apelează tot mai mult la comerțul electronic, personalizarea bazată pe inteligență artificială și integrarea cu aplicații de fitness. De asemenea, modelele de abonament și programele de ...
OMEGA SPRL vinde activul -Punct de lucru Iasi - FABRICA DE PRODUSE LACTATE, B-dul Metalurgiei nr. 8 OMEGA S.P.R.L., debitor S.C. LACTIS S.A. C.I.F. 1977012, J22/437/1991, organizeaza in data de ...
45 followed the Pvolve programme and the rest did a standard routine. Fitness and strength were assessed before and after the 12-week testing period. The 12-week at-home low-resistance exercise ...
Airfryer-ul a revoluționat modul în care gătim, oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a prepara mâncăruri delicioase folosind cantități minime de ulei sau chiar deloc. Dacă îți dorești să cumperi un astfel de ...