Ljubljana, 22. marca - Prvi večer letošnjega cikla sodobnega flamenka Noches de Tablao v Cankarjevem domu (CD) bo drevi odprl urugvajski jazzovski skladatelj Guillermo McGill s projektom Ples angela.
Ad giant just confirmed its cloudy arm will embrace security shop in $30B deal Wiz security researchers think they've found the root cause of the GitHub supply chain attack that unfolded over the ...
Ljubljana, 12. marca - V Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma (CD) bo drevi gostoval Balet Velikega gledališča iz Ženeve s predstavo Ukiyo-e koreografa Sidija Larbija Cherkaouija. Nova stvaritev umetni ...
Ljubljana, 9. marca - V zlatem abonmaju Cankarjevega doma (CD) bo nocoj gostoval Nemški simfonični orkester iz Berlina. V Gallusovi dvorani bo nastopil pod taktirko grammyjevega nagrajenca in ...
The Transformation Service, as a new optional use case within the IZ Gateway, offers stakeholders a solution for addressing jurisdiction and/or provider-specific HL7 message transformation needs. This ...
However, as with all financial decisions, it helps to get an overall picture of what opening a long-term CD involves if you plan to open one of these accounts soon. So what exactly should you know ...
When choosing a certificate of deposit (CD), you have to compare a few figures to make the right call for your needs — any minimum balance requirements or the amount of interest earned ...
Who would’ve thought that in 2025, there would still be new vehicles being sold with CD players? Well, we checked, and our research shows that there are just four of them left. We get that if ...