of the earthly Jesus. For example, the Jesus Seminar comes out in saying that the three beatitudes of the Sermon on the Plain -- the blessing of the poor, the blessing of those who are hungry ...
“As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ ‘Neither this man nor his parents ...
As Christians, we try to follow Jesus' example and what he taught us about showing God's love to everyone. Church members have donated money and food for the food bank and even Christmas presents.
But I have been thinking about a different kind of love. The original language of the New Testament stories of Jesus and letters to the early church utilizes several different Greek words that are ...
I am the son of missionaries, raised in the evangelical church, and I understand that many evangelicals believe Donald Trump will establish policies in keeping with their Christian values.
According to Vanderground, the "He Gets Us" campaign has two main goals: "increase the respect and personal relevancy of Jesus" and "encourage Christians to follow the example of Jesus in how they ...
It was a source of the sayings of Jesus, and it's another picture of Jesus. For example, whoever collected the sayings of Q wasn't interested in the death of Jesus, wasn't interested in the ...