Shannon Hudson has been teaching for 30 years, and she is proud of what the 41 kids involved in Shrek the Musical Junior have accomplished.
The Orangeburg Junior Cotillion held its spring dance Feb. 8 at the Orangeburg Country Club. The girls were received by Mrs. Amy Roland, president; Mrs. Rietta Maier, vice president; Mrs. Michelle ...
Junior officers and senior enlisted personnel ... Ultimately, Westmoreland was accused of manipulating enemy troop strength estimates to create an impression of progress – in service of Johnson ...
Sound effects to suggest the approach of the Roman army has advantages over marching out a troop of extras as I've seen before.. The pile of bodies with outreached arms and the portrayal of the 39 ...
As events are set into motion, she is set straight about Sir Guy and Prince John’s true motives and joins the troop of renegades as they seek to put the wrongs in Nottingham right by stealing ...
From the moment Chloe Kim and Valentina Boltchi first crisscrossed their pointe shoe ribbons, the friends shared an indelible ...
Kevin and Lauren Mahan of Lamar, Colorado welcomed a daughter, Macey Kate, on September 19, 2023 at Prowers Medical Center. Macey was born at 7:34 am, weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce and measured 21 inches ...
Joseph Lujan of Lamar, Colorado and Jaden Arens of Denver, Colorado, welcomed a son, Eversin Lee Lujan, on March 5, 2025 at Prowers Medical Center in Lamar. Eversin was born at 12:39 pm, weighed 7 ...
"Spoke to a candidate today, who wanted us to meet her husband after we had selected her. Instant reject. P.s: This was for a senior level hire," Chendhil said in his post that has since gone viral ...
* CTC: Check the classification closer to the release date.