There are great anime, like FMAB & Demon Slayer, that are perfect for Kaiju No. 8 fans to watch while they wait for new ...
Mission Recon are now available to purchase! The film is coming to North American theaters on Friday, April 11, 12 and 13. You can grab your tickets here: Directed by Shigeyuki Miya and Tomomi Kamiya ...
Kaiju No. 8: Mission Recon has a runtime of 119 minutes and will be released in North American and Canadian theatres on April 13th, 14th, and 15th in both Japanese and English dubbed versions with ...
What’s Next for Kaiju No. 8? Kaiju No. 8 is currently scheduled to debut some time this July as part of the Summer 2025 anime schedule, but a concrete release date has yet to be announced.
Crunchyroll, the ultimate home for anime worldwide, announced today that it has acquired theatrical rights for the monster-sized omnibus film Kaiju No. 8: Mission Recon in India. Crunchyroll and Sony ...
Where to read Kaiju No. 8 chapter 122? Meireki should likewise fully shed its No. 9 guise and begin returning to its true form in Kaiju No. 8 chapter 122 (Image via Production I.G) Fans can read t ...