Tribal2 is using a Raspberry Pi to drive this cool interactive LED world map that integrates with his smart home setup.
According to Tribal2, this project was inspired by a similar creation — albeit Arduino-powered — put together ... of the more ...
We will fetch GPS data from the Neo-6M GPS module using the ESP32 and send this data to a map plotting and routing API via a ...
Built around an ESP32-S3 wireless MCU, it features a 1.28” capacitive touch display (240×240), and a UI designed with LVGL/Squareline and the Arduino V2.3.4 IDE ... With an integrated AC-DC module ...
You’ve doubtless seen those ubiquitous clock modules, especially when setting clocks for daylight savings time. You know the ones: a single AA battery, a wheel to set the time, and two or ...
The Adafruit Metro RP2350 is a Raspberry Pi RP2350 development board that closely follows the Arduino UNO form factor for compatibility with existing Arduino shields. Key features include 37 GPIOs, a ...
You just need to find some way of giving the Raspberry Pi audio input. WS2812B LED strip (such as Adafruit Neopixels) 5V power supply 3.3V-5V level shifter (optional) Limitations when using the ...
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