IF YOU'RE IN need of some reliable outdoor gear to get you through the harshness of winter, let us sound the alarm that Patagonia has just refreshed its Web Specials section. The iconic brand ...
This is the Fiat 600 – as the name suggests, it’s a bit bigger than a 500. The name harks back to 1955, even before the 500 was launched, so really the diminutive city car is a smaller 600.
9:14 Doug Ford sports ‘Canada is not for sale’ hat, warns U.S. of retaliation ‘beyond tariffs’ A local Ontario company responsible for the now-viral hat Doug Ford wore to a meeting with ...
Donald Trump kicked off a new era of Western economic rivalry with Beijing when he took office in 2017. As he prepares for his second term, China’s dominance of global manufacturing is greater ...
Ontario Premier Doug Ford made quite a splash when he appeared before reporters on Wednesday wearing a “Canada is not for sale” hat. Ford was meeting with provincial and territorial leaders, Prime ...
A key factor in choosing a ski fit is making it easy for your friends to spot you. Avoiding red jackets with black pants helps because that's the ski patrol colorway Let’s start with a public ...
After years upon years of waiting, the Straw Hat Pirates are finally in Elbaf, and fans cannot wait to see the exciting events of this arc unfold as the story continues. As always, the Straw Hat ...
One Ottawa entrepreneur is showing his patriotism with a new online store selling “strong and free” hats in response to U.S. president-elect Donald Trump’s recent comments about annexing Canada as the ...
OTTAWA – Ontario’s position ahead of Wednesday’s first minister’s meeting was made quite clear, thanks to the Premier’s choice of headwear.
Red Hat, the IBM-owned open-source software giant, has completed its acquisition of Neural Magic, a pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) optimization startup. Initially announced in November ...
Microsoft created a new engineering organization responsible for building its artificial-intelligence platform and tools, CEO Satya Nadella said in an email to employees Monday morning. The new ...