On January 21, 2025, during Chitra Nakshatra under Mars, Tvastar, the celestial creator, is worshipped for his power of ...
With the calendar turning to a new year, most of us start looking at resolutions and goals. And statistically, most of us ...
Reinforce your message until your brand becomes synonymous with your space. Capturing mindshare is about being unforgettable.
A workshop on Positive Mind Mastery by MiTran Global will be held on January 4 and 5 for students aged 11-17 and their parents. A workshop on Positive Mind Mastery by MiTran Global will be held on ...
Bear in mind that these camos are per weapon ... can only be unlocked once you've completed the Military camo grind. Mastery ...
“One reflects the other. As the breath moves, the mind moves,” he said, citing yoga texts. And when we exhale, the opposite happens. The neural activity in brain regions important for emotion ...
someone with an abundance mindset embraces challenges and views obstacles as an opportunity, says Sarkis. “They take on a lens that challenges are just setbacks on our way to mastery ...
I now know that there’s a word for this: scarcity mindset. I’ve also learned that there are ways to shift this outlook, even if it’s deeply ingrained. What is a scarcity mindset, exactly?
As journalists who cover the mind and brain, we are continually asking experts about behaviors, conditions and outlooks that influence mental and cognitive health. The tips listed here — some of ...
BETHLEHEM, Pa.- Lehigh University consistently ranks as one of the top engineering and business schools in the nation. Car czar Lee Iacocca, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert, and Peeps father Bob ...