The "American Pickers" television show will visit Ohio in March. The show stars Mike Wolfe, Robbie Wolfe, Danielle Colby and ...
Dolly Parton made an appearance on the reality television series years ago, with the episode airing on May 7, 2014.
The "American Pickers" TV show is returning to Ohio, and the producers are looking for tips before their latest antiques ...
The American Pickers Season 26 finale stood out as a surprising highlight despite the show’s ongoing struggle with low ...
The best friends were embroiled in a major rift in 2021, Fritz had accused Wolfe of stealing his limelight while they worked together on the show.
You may never have heard of a Merz Cycle Car, but it's that very rarity that made it valuable to the American Pickers. They paid handsomely.
The "American Pickers" is again looking for some ... plans to film episodes in Ohio in March. The show features Mike Wolfe, Robbie Wolfe, Danielle Colby and Jersey Jon roaming the countryside ...
Ohio, get ready — the American Pickers team is back! The popular History Channel show, which has captivated viewers for 26 ...