John Mizuno is leaving his position as director of the Statewide Office of Homelessness and Housing Solutions to work as a special advisor on homelessness, Gov. Josh Green announced Tuesday evening on ...
A major champion, Olympic gold medalist, and an 11-time PGA Tour winner, there’s no doubt that Justin Rose is one of the greatest British players ever. After ending a 20-year relationship with ...
What are gharials, and why are they important? What threats do they face, and what is MP doing to protect them? The gharial is a species of Gavialis gangeticus—long-snouted, fish-eating crocodilians.
"Congress needs Tharoor and that was the reason why he was made MP four times and a central minister once. He was also given important positions in the party's supreme bodies." Senior Congress leader ...
Help Register Login Login Hi, %{firstName}% Hi, %{firstName}% Games Car rental After 47 years of acting in $1.6 billion worth of hit films, yet earning no major acting awards whatsoever, at 62 The ...
Immune cells rely on cell-cell communication to specify and fine-tune their responses. They express an extensive network of cell communication modes, including a vast repertoire of cell surface and ...
Mitochondria are essential organelles for neuronal function and cell survival. Besides the well-known bioenergetics, additional mitochondrial roles in calcium signaling, lipid biogenesis, regulation ...
The genetic basis of most traits is highly polygenic and dominated by non-coding alleles. It is widely assumed that such alleles exert small regulatory effects on the expression of cis-linked genes.