We use phrases and idioms every day without often considering the meaning. This is where some of the most well-known ones ...
The longest word to feature in the English dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis at 45 letters, which refers to a lung disease, which is caused only by inhaling silica particles ...
US presidential campaign Donald Trump declared that “the most beautiful word in the dictionary today is the word ‘tariff.’” His definition of a tariff is a tax that a government imposes on foreign ...
But while I’m away, I thought you might enjoy learning about the history of and some notable historical figures in our usual ...
Ever wondered why certain letters in the English language seem to pop up everywhere? Why your word game strategy revolves around the mighty letter E — or why some letters, like Z, feel like they ...
Right at the start, Buffett took the time to go back and count how often he’s used ... most popular TED Talks over the years, or even Buffett’s previous letters, and putting them into word ...
3 Many other English words have been suggested to be among the most beautiful in the language ... which the Greek grammarian Dionysius Thrax (170–90 BCE) used to describe the character of the letters ...
For most of the public, Trump’s actions are lining up with their expectations: Three-quarters say his handling of the presidency has been in line with what they expected while 25% say he’s ...
The 30-second ad, created by American production company Maximum Effort, takes on one of the most loathed words in the English language, "moist", with a hilarious twist. The ad, titled "Moist ...
The White House spokesman told Reuters that most of the ... list of banned words and declined to comment about the White House's contention that some words can't be used. The two FDA sources ...
If you’ve ever had to look up the definition of a word you were unsure of, you’re not alone: The map below shows the most commonly ... defaulting to English when English queries were more ...
Well, did the word "y'all" stand out as odd to you in the first ... associated with the American South and African American ...