For his kindness, wit, quick thinking, and big-brotherly attitude (not the 1984 type, but the attitude of a legit caring older sibling), I have to say Muggle-Wump, from The Twits. Dahl wrote some ...
Nothing could have prepared me, her or Muggles, my giant golden retriever, for the reality of a new baby. It was as if we were all in suspended disbelief. I’d even tried to back out of the ...
TORONTO, Feb. 26, 2025 /CNW/ -- Thomson Reuters (TSX/Nasdaq: TRI), a global content and technology company, announced today that, as of 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on February 25, 2025 (the ...
Warner Bros. Discovery‘s Harry Potter television series is set to begin filming this summer. They have found a costume designer in Holly Waddington, who recently won an Oscar in her craft for ...
tarot readers and the Wump Mucket Puppets. Shortly after entering the lexicon of Ohio folklore, the Loveland Frog attracted its share of believers and skeptics. Some speculated that the dark green ...