The vile stomach bug, which causes nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, is extremely contagious, and it takes a lot more than ...
Many common disinfectants (containing things like ammonia and alcohol), hand sanitizer, and even Clorox and Lysol wipes, ...
Ah, the classic signs of winter: Freezing temperatures, icy roads and empty tissue boxes. It's no secret that winter is a ...
The highly contagious stomach bug calls for “enhanced precautions” — the highest level of cleaning.
While they’re convenient when you’re on the go, hand sanitizers will not kill norovirus, per the CDC. “The alcohol in them ...
There’s no medication for norovirus. Instead, you’ll need to rehydrate as much as possible with water and other liquids. Seek ...
Norovirus is a highly contagious stomach bug spreading in Colorado and throughout the U.S. Here's what you should know about ...
Hand sanitizer isn't as effective as handwashing at preventing the spread of norovirus, doctors and the CDC warn.