You may occasionally notice that a few Coca-Cola bottles at your grocery store sport yellow caps. What exactly does this mean ...
The Minions speak a distinct language that creatives behind the Despicable Me franchise say has a deeper meaning than viewers ...
Cells are filled with teensy, phase-shifting blobs that often contain protein and RNA, and in the past several years they’ve taken over cellular biology. In our cover story, science writer ...
No one saw the blob takeover coming. In 2009 a team of biophysicists led by Anthony A. Hyman of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, were studying ...
They're bright yellow, small, electric and look like a ... Paris banned rental electric scooters in response to a rising number of people being injured and killed in the French capital.
Though you probably won’t encounter green eggs and ham anytime soon (but it’s possible), yolk colours can vary from the palest yellow to reddish brown. What affects the colour of egg yolks?
"Following reports of the so-called ‘yellow man’ in areas across Causeway Coast and Glens, local police have carried out many proactive patrols and have spoken to a number of witnesses however ...
At first, authorities decided to shut nine beaches while they investigated the unusual grey and white blobs - although most have since reopened. It's not the first time that strange objects have ...
There are other potential explanations for the newly mapped blobs. For example, they may be made of crust-like material left over from the mantle's creation 4 billion years ago.
In doing so, they found what look very much like the remnants of tectonic plates, huge blobs of rock that are cooler and higher-density than the surrounding lower mantle. These fragments of our ...