O'Brien quipped during his opening monologue that the number of F-bombs in 'Anora' is "three more than the record set by ...
The fact that I’m getting an award for a role where I got to sing and speak in Spanish — my grandmother ... BAFTA and SAG ...
Conan O’Brien kicked off the Oscars with a bang, opening his hosting debut with a monologue that poked fun at the films and ...
Rather than singing "True ... U-S-A chants rang out. Canada ultimately got the last laugh, winning in overtime on a goal by Edmonton Oilers superstar Connor McDavid. "O Canada" was played once ...
It was a wonderful conversation with a man who is quite literally a Red Dirt Legend. He’s too humble to say it himself (that was mentioned in the podcast), but Cody Canada truly played a role in ...
For Canada and these other countries, you don’t poke back against Donald Trump. You don’t troll a troll. You look into ...
He was still picking gravel out of his scalp three days later. So, I’m wary of Donald Trump’s obsession with making Canada America’s 51st state. Aside from the obvious language barrier ...
TORONTO — Changing the lyrics of a national anthem is often considered taboo, but Chantal Kreviazuk's tweak to the words of O Canada at the 4 Nations ... President Donald Trump's calls to annex Canada ...
The Quebec International Pee-Wee Tournament is a busy week with games and events scheduled throughout. A watch party was a definite must for the championship game of the 4 Nations Face-Off. The ...
The 'O Canada' singer changed the words 'in all of us command' to 'that only us command' to protest Trump’s 51st state remarks.
TORONTO - Changing the lyrics of a national anthem is often considered taboo, but Chantal Kreviazuk’s tweak to the words of O Canada at the 4 Nations Face-Off Final in Boston on Thursday night ...
Canadian singer-songwriter Chantal Kreviazuk performed "O Canada" in Boston on Thursday night ahead of the 4 Nations Face-Off final between Canada and the United States, making a poignant change ...