Nearly a hundred years ago, a hastily crafted spaceship crash-landed in Smallville, Kansas. Inside was an infant – the sole ...
This is the story of Superman: one of the most recognizable characters in history is, at its core, the ultimate story of an ...
recognizably Jewish language made its way onto the pages. Lee’s Spider-Man, for example, frequently exclaims “oy!” or calls bad guys “putz” or “shmuck.” History is never solely about ...
CNN's Harry Enten roasted Trump’s historically low net approval at this point in his presidency, exclaiming "Ay caramba!" at ...
In the spirit of Passover spiritual cleansing which we are commencing, here is a list of fifty-two areas of life which perhaps could use some ongoing scrubbing and scouring.
Our days in Shushan have ended for this year, yet there is a way of staying here a bit longer because Purim is in the month of Adar. Our rabbis stated: “ Mi-shenikhnas Adar marbim b’simcha; when Adar ...
"Our client, who is also Jewish, deeply regrets touching the other man's car and using a hate symbol in the message," Luccarelli. "He was dealing with a host of personal issues at the time and the ...
Comedian Joey was the favorite MC when superhot Zsa Zsa Gabor worked Vegas. Oy, do I know Vegas. I lived there. Repeat six-week bookings. Today its biggest attractions are prostitution ...
Dating to the year 700 CE, the Afghan Liturgical Quire is on view at the Jewish Theological Seminary Library's exhibit, "Sacred Words: Revealing the Earliest Hebrew Book." In honor of the YIVO ...