Long-term removal of amyloid beta in people genetically destined to develop Alzheimer's disease may have delayed symptoms and ...
They carried the PSEN1 gene mutation, which causes abnormal proteins to build up in the brain, forming clumps of toxic plaques, a common feature of Alzheimer's. Cases like the one in China pose ...
Jaime, Todd, and Aaron all inherited a rare PSEN1 gene mutation from their father that guaranteed they'd develop Alzheimer's at a young age. They are members of an unlucky tribe, the 1% of people ...
They inherited a rare gene mutation called PSEN1, making them part of the 1% of people with dementia who have early-onset familial Alzheimer's. Jaime's mother, Bonnie Bortz, now cares for Jaime ...
It involves changes in three specific genes — PSEN1, PSEN2, and APP — and carries a 50% chance of being passed from parent to child. People with this condition often have a strong family ...
The teenager, diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, was having trouble focusing in class. While reading became difficult, his short-term memory declined over the years.
Before this diagnosis in China, the youngest patient with Alzheimer's was 21 years old. They carried the PSEN1 gene mutation, which causes abnormal proteins to build up in the brain, forming clumps of ...