After another challenging growing season and a further 17% fall in the area, the UK’s winter oilseed rape crop for harvest ...
Otherwise, the aim is to keep input use down. The main spend is on post-emergence Belkar (halauxifen+ picloram) herbicide, an autumn and spring fungicide and good nutrition, including boron and ...
ECOLOGY Defliating Viet Nam U.S. forces are fighting not only Communist troops in Viet Nam but also the vegetation that conceals and feeds them. In thousands of sorties be tween January and ...
picloram, propanil, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, quinclorac, thiobencarb, triclopyr and trifluralin purity > 98%), and sulfamethoxazole (purity > 98%) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (St. Louis, USA). High ...
Some gardeners believe potatoes are best planted on or near St. Patrick’s Day. As a Missouri Extension article wisely says, ...
Fertilization of gardens and landscapes typically begins in April after soils have warmed. With fertilization, one size (or ...
St John's wort is a common invasive weed in many districts across NSW, and adjoining states. It can arrive suddenly, even with no previous infestations.