An eager baby possum leant through a window to try its luck at securing a hug in footage captured on Wednesday, March 26.This ...
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- An opossum with babies was rescued from the Bay Bridge during Monday's morning commute. The babies were only about a month old and still in their mom's pouch. They were ...
Eight baby opossums are receiving specialized care after a Pinellas County deputy rescued them from their deceased mother’s ...
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (WFLA) — A deputy rescued eight baby possums after their mother was killed on Wednesday. According to ...
A soaked, shivering and worse for wear mother possum and two of her tiny babies sought shelter on the bottom level of a ...
In 1909, wealthy widow Susie W. Allgood marketed a plush marsupial inspired by President William Howard Taft. But children thought the toy looked "too much like a rat," and it sold poorly ...
“Have fed the babies chopped up apple,” Ms Law wrote on Facebook. Ms Law said she eventually brought the possums inside, wrapped them up in a warm towel and that wildlife carers were on the ...