This was more than just a vision—it was a prophetic call for all of us to step into a new season of opportunity.
Subtitled How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism, the book shows how clergy participation in events like ...
According to Firefly, which released its report last week, Mike Bickle sexually abused at least 17 women, including minors.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead ...
Videos from Pastor Jerry Eze's NSPPD Lagos conference at the Tafawa Balewa Square have emerged on social media. Mercy Chinwo ...
A lot is hidden under the body of Christ. Is well."emmy_dove_textiles commented:"mercychinwo Don’t attend the program until you’re through with all this I hear about you 🙏..God will protect your ...
IHOPKC founder Mike Bickle misused his position of authority “to engage in sexual misconduct with multiple victims,” the ...
While many traditional denominations are struggling to maintain their numbers, the Pentecostal and charismatic churches in ...
Join us from 6pm to 8pm every week for community night. Refreshments served. For more information: 732-1559;
The words of The Right Reverend Mariann Budde, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of Washington, during the inaugural prayer ...
There is something about the mother-child bond that holds even after death. This fact makes it easier to consider all the ...
Beth Muthoni (r) went for a prayer and fasting session but was found dead in the shrine. Photos: The Famous Ghost. Source: Facebook In a video shared on TikTok, the man demanded the government reopen ...