Spring is no longer the doldrums of the movie year — these 19 films — including Oakland set ‘Freaky Tales’– show why.
The company has made a variety of relatively small acquisitions, including that of Seal Software, totaling in excess of $400 million over the last several years. We view these as feature additions ...
In an interview published in InStyle on Tuesday, the “Lost In Translation” star addressed the incessant questions around her Marvel Cinematic Universe character Natasha Romanoff, a.k.a. The Black ...
It’s been about three months since the orphaned seal pup was found struggling in the coastal waters of Cyprus. Soon, he’ll be well enough to go home. Renos-Pantelis, a five-month old mediterranean ...
A three-decade veteran of the U.S. Navy SEALs, Zinke was the first member of the elite special force unit to serve in the House and only the second ever to serve in Congress. His arrival on ...
A seal pup whose urban rescue tugged at the nation's heartstrings on social media in mid-February has died, a Connecticut aquarium said Monday. The New Haven Police Department found Chappy ...
The seal named Chappy, which had been found flat on its stomach on a cold, snow-encrusted street in New Haven, Conn., had an intestinal disease, a necropsy showed. By Adeel Hassan Chappy ...
Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal on Saturday A seal has been spotted "wrestling" a large eel for its lunch. Biology teacher Dr Jeremy Rowe filmed the seal after spotting it with ...
The Great Seal of the Realm is the chief seal of the Crown, used to show the monarch's approval of important State documents. In today's constitutional monarchy, the Sovereign acts on the advice of ...