The BLM has opened public comment on the sage grouse proposal through June 13 at A final environmental ...
There are a number of iconic Wyoming wildlife experiences that truly must be done in person. Videos just don’t relay the true ...
In Wyoming, sage grouse co-occur in about 99% of BLM herd ... environmental quality and other grazing animals, including ...
Mud proved a formidable obstacle at times, but an experiment designed to reduce the number of rotting cattle carcasses in ...
BLM leaders never had the desire or will to do what it takes to preserve Sage-grouse populations. Sage-grouse plans make ...
A symbol of the American West, the greater sage grouse is a large, ground-dwelling bird known for its spell-binding mating dances, in which the males inflate their chests to show off their strength.
An unlikely coalition is fighting to protect the Gunnison sage-grouse. Theresa Childers, wildlife biologist at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, is poring over a red-and-blue map revealing ...
WASHINGTON— Conservation organizations submitted comments today blasting the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s draft amendment for 77 land-use plans across the western United States intended to protect ...
Sage grouse are threatened by climate change and habitat loss, livestock grazing and predation by ravens. Cattle grazing reduces grass cover for hens and chicks to hide, and raven predation has ...
but an experiment designed to reduce the number of rotting cattle carcasses in parts of Baker County, which can attract wolves that threaten livestock as well as ravens that eat sage grouse eggs ...
CHEYENNE — Funding is available to support projects benefiting sage-grouse and their habitats. The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission expects to allocate $295,000 to support eight local Sage ...
Sage grouse are strong fliers with recorded speeds up to 78 km hour Leks – the display ground used by males - can be 100s of years old, birds return to the same breeding grounds year upon year.