T here are three guarantees in life, death, taxes, and Disney reviving a beloved childhood show. This time, it's Phineas & ...
Creator Gary Larson has used all kinds of animals to make fans laugh in the usually hilarious one-panel comics, with quite a ...
Celebrate the video repository's contribution to internet culture by finding your next viewing obsession among our dozens of ...
The Simpsons, the longest-running animated series, is iconic but its outdated gags, like Homer strangling Bart, need to ...
In their 25-year history, the Jackets and their fans have never needed each other more than this season, in the wake of the ...
Thank you for responding, Cheryl. It took you quite a while to respond so you must have thought long and hard on your answer. If you had read all of ...
In the debate over whether Dear Leader is a knave or a fool, Peter Brookes chooses the latter, aping Rembrandt’s painting, ...