A viral video from Zimbabwe captures the dangerous moment when a curious lion approaches a defensive forest cobra, resulting ...
Leash training a cat doesn't really involve much training. You can’t really train a cat to heel and walk beside you like a ...
Cats have sensitive hearing, and therefore, any startling noises can cause them stress. The list can be quite extensive and ...
THERE are rats the size of cats in this UK city and mountains of rubbish along the streets. Residents have complained that ...
Show presenter and his husband Arthur Gourounlian have been very honest about the trolling they have received since becoming parents to daughters, Blake and Blu ...
Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
They're not inclined to like people very much—we are big, scary, weird creatures to them—and it takes a long, long time to ...
Far from a gimmick, Good Boy is a genuinely scary horror film that's all the more effective thanks to the way it breaks from convention.
A woman intentionally set on fire last year in Oklahoma City died last week from her injuries, police confirmed.
Flow, which the self-taught director made for $3.5m, beat Pixar and DreamWorks to take the Academy Award for best animated ...
considering the baby was the devil's spawn. Many horror movie tropes have been built up over the years: Knife-wielding maniacs, cats jumping out at you, and scary kids. Spooky, terrifying children ...