Autism is highly heritable, and people who have a sibling with autism are more likely to have autism themselves. People are more likely to have autism if they have related genetic disorders ...
Premiering at Sundance, Jennifer Tiexiera and Guy Mossman's documentary 'Speak.' is crowd-pleasing entertainment in the vein ...
This means that you can help us secure funding for our Friday Club, which supports children with additional needs, such as autism or ADHD, and their siblings. Friday club offers a safe space, with ...
The family of a 20-year-old who died suddenly due to a complication with his diabetes have paid tribute to him. Jake Chapman, from Minster on Sheppey, had previously been diagnosed with the condition ...
Over the past 25 years, there have been successive policy changes to funding, categorisation and implementation of special educational needs (SEN) provision in England. Yet there is ...
The mystery of autism has long enthralled both scientists and individuals. Over time, researchers have proposed various theories of the condition from the diametric mind to the extreme male brain ...
Nadya Suleman was the most famous mum in the world. After having six children via in vitro fertilisation (IVF), Suleman ...
Tamar Anderson Henry, 16, has autism. She came with her mother, Soleil Henry, to talk about the importance of knowing and being yourself as part of StoryCorps' "Brightness in Black" initiative.